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Goodbye Sportalup Floofy Goose

Goodbye Sportalup Floofy Goose

Dear Sportalup,

To me, you are like a very floofy goose and I'm not sure that I need a very floofy goose in my life right now.

Things started to go wrong when I caught you stabbing with my goose.

It's not that I don't love you. It's just that your stalker is extremely fluffy and your foos moose is, without a doubt, the most flamy person I've ever known.

It's true, we've had some flaffy times stalking together. You have wings like demonic beans and the most a real villain tail I've ever seen.

Your personality is like a really sparkly moose dealing illegal memes into my skull. When I see you murdering it makes me want to steal your bean wings and post them to the ship train.

I lie in bed at night wishing you were flower and not a goose who likes stabbing with my goose.

What I'm trying to say, is take your a real villain tail and go.

Yours no more

Created on 14th May 2017.

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